May 14, 2015

Happy Medium Photography

Over the last three weeks I've been in india for some visa work to go back to the UK. It so happened that it came in the right time as we got given our new photography project brief. We had to pick our own topic and photograph it; contrary to older projects, where we got given the topic. I chose mine on education in india. I've spent my time here at a range of different places setting up photoshoots. The local food market, farm,  factory etc. I wanted these pictures to be the best they possibly can look, as it's the last project before I finish A-levels for good. This is half of my final grade for the year. Taking these pictures, my plan is to make a photography journal book, which will be called 'Happy Medium'. Almost like a newspaper article about education in India but in a journal form. I will write all the articles and create the book myself. I am really looking forward to seeing how it will all come together. I hope you like some of the pictures I have chosen from these shoots.  

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