April 22, 2016

Scholarship Event

 This past week has been one of the most craziest weeks. I now truly understand what people say about University life a being the best experience of life. Not a single moment to breath juggling Uni life, work life, social life and personal life. This week also happened to have the most awaited event for me. One of the happiest moments while getting through into Trent was the honour of also being awarded a scholarship. Every year the scholarship students are invited to an awards evening, where we all get to wear formals and receive awards. This particular event was streamed live and had an after party with food, drinks and DJ that followed. It so happened that this event was on the same day as my Birthday this year. My favourite moment was sitting there in a room full of high achievers and thinking, 'this is it, I've made it. My life is perfect'. I genuinely feel so proud to have achieved this and awarded a scholarship. It was genuinely the best present I could have received on my Birthday.

Unfortunately, I was too excited to remember about writing a blog post and hence, forget to take some good picture.  However, I do have a few that I took on my phone as I simply had to share my pride and happiness on a blog post!


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