October 27, 2015

Fashion Photoshop.

 Throughout my life I have been a very creative person and with that comes learning about digital creativity. I have always been exposed to photoshop and it's tools. I mainly used it for the everyday touch up with lighting, selecting different parts of the photo that I didn't like or to change or remove something, but now that I'm on the FCP course, the usage of digital editing software has been heightened. We have recently been introduced to colour strips, colour stories, changing of colour to match the theme etc. Here is some of my work. Im really glad I'm back in the roll using photoshop and I'm excited to be learning new things and techniques that I am sure will come in handy in the near future. 

Here I had to choose some of most dominant colours from a picture of my choice and create a colour strip. Along with that, I had to also decide on the ratio/the amount each colour was used and communicate that on a separate strip. 
On this one, I used different photoshop tools like hue and saturation, luminosity, colour replace and duo colour. The conclusion I gathered was that luminosity and duo colour,were tools that made the image appear flatter. This could be used on newspaper prints. where as the other two make it look 3D-esk and almost changes the entire colour intensity, so you must be careful. 

I am excited to experiment with other images and improve my skills on Photoshop. 



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