January 28, 2016

Market Visual Awareness Project | The Final Straw

A month and few weeks later, we have finally made it! I have officially just gone an submitted my first University summative (marked) assignment. I have been updating this blog about how I've been getting on but I did slightly slip when I finished the writing so I thought I'd post on last blog about this project. Over the last two weeks after the christmas break, I have got back to University from India. I am extremely happy that I finished all the writing before I got it here because it meant that as soon as I was back, I could get along with my Indesign work. Throughout A-Levels, I have used Photoshop as of course I did photography as course but this was the first time I used Indesign. It was quite tricky however since I knew my way around photoshop it was easy to make assumptions as to what might work. I have spent the last two weeks laying all the chosen pictures, the written work etc on to the my double page spreads (two facing A4 pages that you see in a magazine) Since it is a 'visual awareness project' as much as the content had to be on point, the visual communication has to be equally appealing. I have thought twice if not three times about each and every colour, font, size, design etc. On thing that I have leant on this module that I will stick by through my career is that very minute detail when it comes to design matters. Everything has to be perfectly aligned to make a strong visual point. I looked at different magazines for inspiration in terms of layout and design and went for quite a simple and elegant design recipe. I chose no more than three colours through the booklet as I didn't want to bombard the pages. Once I was completely done, I did test print, where I realised hat some of the images weren't the best quality and hence went back to them and either changed or found a better quality image. I have now completely printed and bound the magazine. I used a glossy and think paper to again, communicate my design recipe. (almost like what you would see in a industry magazine)

Here are two of the final result of the magazine. I also of course included the mini sketchbook full of inspirational pictures that I have been using for the start of this project. Do let me know what you think. Would love to hear feedbacks.


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