Have you heard of the castle light night before? Apparently, this is an event held annually at the Nottingham Castle. Having been living in Nottingham for the past 5 months, I am ashamed to say I has never visited the castle. However, yesterday I changed this. My friends and I decided to take a long walk down to the castle, having heard so much about the light night. It was quite late in the evening, so imaginably the English weather was quite windy and cold. We wrapped ourselves up in layers of warmers, as we walked around the castle. The first thing we noticed as we walked into the castle was the Robin Hood statue lit up. I was tempted to take a stereotypical Nottingham tourist picture in front of it but unfortunately, there were too many people. Although I did get a quick and sneaky picture of him lit up. There was also a live choir of little kids singing fun songs. The one that we caught was the song "Happy" by Pharrell Williams, which without a doubt made a all 'happy.'
My friends and I did manage to get a few group photos with the lights around the castle but since it was quite busy, we decided to visit the castle again on another day to look around further. The highlight of the night was defiantly the view of the entire city from the Castle. It was definitely fun to do something different rather than the same old, Uni life, Friday night parties. I would highly recommend visiting Nottingham castle, just to look at the view.
The only view I see here are your group pics and different color lights. Great view anyway.